G'day, my name is Ken Lawson and I've had a passion for the night sky for as long as I can remember.

As a child whether it was at the school, town library or a book shop, I read any book I could get my hands on about space. I could never get enough reading about or looking up at the universe above our heads. That curiosity and wonderment of the night sky has stayed with me to this day.

When I was around 8 I would spend many a hour looking through a cheap small refractor telescope that had a really bad and wobbly mount and tripod. The first time I saw Saturn in my backyard through that little scope had me hooked for ever. Being able to share that moment when some one gets to see something as stunning as Saturn for the first time is priceless and takes me back to when I was 8 and seeing it for the first time.

Just over 10 years ago I formed the Geraldton Astronomy Group to foster like minded people and to organise events like star parties. Recently we helped to break the Guinness World Record of the most people stargazing with 46,345 people across Australia all looking at the Moon at the same time.

Photography is another one of my life long passions and being able to capture and share amazing images from the stunning Milky Way or a massive distant galaxy just doesn't get any better.

All of the photographs on this website have been taken by myself and if you would like to see more of my work you can visit my photography site at Ken Lawson Photography or the Geraldton Astronomy Group

I've had many of my images exhibited and published in both traditional and online media but my proudest moment was when during Stargazing Live on ABC TV which was broadcast nationally across Australia as well as online, I was fortunate enough to have one of my images shown that Professor Brian Cox personally hand picked. I met Brain recently and he reiterated how he loved my image.

Quite some time ago I became involved with Scinapse: The Midwest Science Engagement Group which is a growing voluntary network of more than 80 organisations and individuals in the Mid West region of Western Australia who are passionate about science and the way it helps us understand our world. We work together to create great science-based activities in Geraldton and the mid west.

I can't wait to share the wonders of the universe with you, feel free to Contact Me for any queries or click the buttons below to book or purchase your Star Tour.

Clear Skies!


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